JOANNA'S FOOD: family cooking, from scratch, every day

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

PS improved superquick noodles

Just to update on the noodles ... we've eaten them a lot this month, and the recipe is better now than it was when I first posted - and still just as quick.

Cook the noodles (the quantities given here are enough for 3-4 little bundles of dried noodles). Toss them in olive oil. Then make a dressing with 1 tbsp peanut butter, 1 tbsp soya sauce, 1 tbsp chilli jam, and 3 tbsp olive oil. This makes a lighter dressing than before. Toss the noodles thoroughly in the dressing. Leave to cool. Then add salad veg: matchsticks of cucumber, shavings of carrot, shards of spring onion, peas, cooked mushrooms, a little leftover asparagus, if you have such a thing - whatever comes to hand. It's fabulous, it's easy, it's quick.

This week alone, I've eaten a version of it at home for lunch on my own; with my friend Rosemary in the foyer of the theatre during the first interval of Tosca; and, from a communal bowl with my friend Rosie, godson Edmond, and my daughter Lettice, at an open-air concert celebrating 1,000 years since the founding of Oxfordshire (in which my husband was singing Balshazzar's Feast by Walton, wonderful rousing music, 700 musicians). Better by far than sandwiches, quicker to make too.


MyKitchenInHalfCups said...

With the peanut butter this sounds like such an interesting sauce.

Anonymous said...

Joanna, I'm making your beef and noodle dish tomorrow for a gathering! Inspiring pic of the summer table.