JOANNA'S FOOD: family cooking, from scratch, every day

Friday, August 21, 2009

Shepherd's pie with horseradish mash

Tessa made the most delicious shepherd's pie for dinner - tasty mince with a horseradish-tinged mash. You don't need me to tell you how to make mince, except to say that it's lamb for a shepherd's pie, beef for a cottage pie. Tessa uses more flour than I do, which makes a good thick sauce.

Horseradish mash

This amount will cover about 1.5kg of mince made with plenty of vegetables and put into a large shallow dish (say, 35cm x 25 x 5). It's enough for 10.

1.5kg floury potatoes, peeled and chunked
50g butter
3/4 jar creamed horseradish (around 120ml)
a little milk
100g grated Cheddar sprinkle over the top of the pie

When the potatoes are cooked, mash them with the butter until they're smooth (Tessa used a ricer to be sure there were no lumps). Beat in the horseradish and enough milk to give the mash a soft consistency for spreading.

When the pie is assembled, it needs about half an hour in a hot oven (180C). It's a great dish to make ahead when there are lots of people to feed ... and the horseradish really gives it an extra edge. Thanks Tessa


silverpebble said...

That sounds like a really delicious twist. Horseradish grow wild round here - i may have to dig some up.

Sam said...

I love horesradish so much I could quite happily eat it by the spoonful out of the jar! Adding it to the mash is a great idea.

Joanna said...

I planted horseradish in my garden this spring; about a week later I read that it is really invasive. So far I have only one plant, but I fear next year I'll be pulling it out. So just as well to have a good recipe - this is really good ...


aforkfulofspaghetti said...

Horseradish mash is so good, isn't it? Reminds me, must look out for fresh horseradish at my local greengrocer in a few weeks' time.